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About Us

It is our mission to deliver above-average returns to our investors while simultaneously enhancing both the community and quality of life for our residents for each apartment property that we acquire.

About Thousand Doors

Thousand Doors Group is an apartment syndication company that focuses on acquiring high potential apartment complexes located throughout the Sun Belt Regions of the US. These complexes provide us with the opportunity to implement our Value-Add Strategy, which will result in an increase in the value of the property. Thousand Doors also collaborates with other leading apartment syndication companies in the United States to join forces and acquire apartment complexes that can provide strong return potential for our investors. By partnering with Thousand Doors, our investors will not only be able to invest in the projects we identify, but also in the highest-performing apartment syndication projects across the nation.

Our Investment Strategy

Thousand Doors Group sources and acquires high-potential Class B/C apartment complexes of 70+ units across the Sun Belt Regions. Upon acquiring the property, we will implement our Value-Add Strategy by adding capital improvements, raising the rental rates to market standard, and reducing operational expenses. The implementation of our Value-Add Strategy will generally increase the value of the property by 40%-70% before we sell the optimized and stabilized property after 4-6 year hold.


At Thousand Doors Group, We Are Primarily Targeting Markets That Fulfill The Following Economic & Market Drivers/Criteria:


  • Steady Population Growth In The Area

Strong population growth will increase the housing demand in the area and continue to drive up the rental market. 


  • Apartment Rental Units Supply Constraints

The submarket must have high barriers to entry and a population growth sufficient enough to absorb the scheduled future supply of new apartments.


  • Steady Employment Growth In The Area

Strong employment drivers generate predictable rental income and reduce investment risk by maintaining high occupancy rates.


  • Healthy Multifamily Cap Rate Trends In The Area

In order to achieve our annual preferred returns for our investors, the economics of the metro area must be very strong.


  • Healthy Multifamily Occupancy Trends In The Area

Strong occupancy rates indicate a growing population that is outperforming the present unit supply.

Why Work With Us

At Thousand Doors Group, our goals are to provide our clients with an exceptional level of investor experience and an above-average rate of return on their investments. We take great pride in the fact that we are able to assist hard-working Americans and busy professionals in making passive investments in high-potential apartment complexes. These investments can provide our investors with above-average returns, consistent cash flow, and tax benefits all at the same time. If you’re looking for a stable and profitable investment, apartment syndications may be right for you. With good returns, tax benefits and the potential to build long-term wealth, apartment syndications can be a great way to grow your portfolio. Contact our team today to learn more about current investment opportunities in this market – we’d love to help you get started!


Managing Partner

Johnie is the founder of Thousand Doors Group. He is a full time apartment investor/syndicator. Johnie has been actively selling real estate and passively investing in real estate since 2012. Johnie started off by investing in single families rentals with his friends and family while he helps clients buy/sell homes as a realtor. As a realtor, Johnie primarily helps his fix and flip clients who turn beat-down properties into modern homes. With this experience, he was able to learn the in's and out's of renovating homes and how that "optimization" affects the value of those properties.  Johnie started investing in apartment syndications back in 2018 as he's found that apartment complexes are one of the most stable assets in real estate. Johnie has now made apartment syndication investing his main focus and is now a full time apartment investor/syndicator. Johnie is determined to help more people invest in real estate passively and achieve financial freedom. His goal is to help 5000 people build wealth and achieve financial freedom through apartment investing.


Managing Partner

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Sophie is the co-founder of Thousand Doors Group. Sophie is a full time apartment investor/syndicator who focuses on investors relation. Sophie has been in the real estate business for over nine years and has a wealth of experience in the industry. She started investing and selling real estate alongside Johnie as a husband and wife team back in 2012. Sophie now runs and oversees a profitable real estate sales team in New York that sells 50 million of real estate each year. She also coaches more than 40 active realtors on how to better serve their clients and close more deals. Sophie's team and her students have now helped over 1000 families buy/sell their home. When Sophie was actively selling real estate as a realtor, she dedicated herself to providing excellent customer service. She is excited to put this principle into practice at Thousand Doors Group and help more people passively invest in apartments and build wealth. Sophie has the experience and expertise to help each of her investors achieve their financial goals, whatever they may be. If you are interested in learning more about Sophie or our current investment opportunities, contact our team today. 

Why Work
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